
Monday, July 19, 2010

Back to work. Ugh, I don't like Monday work days but here I am. Had a great weekend but was not soo good when it came to exercise and eating good. I think Wednesday was my last workout and I ate pretty bad all weekend. Thursday and Friday I was good at work with breakfast, lunch and snacks but both evenings I was at Garmans for dinner. Super good but very bad! Saturday was OK I guess. We were in Santa Barbara all day at the zoo. I had some cheerios and a half banana before we left. While we were there I had an unsalted pretzel for a snack and by lunch/dinner was a turkey club sandwich with (bacon and avocado) from CPK. Yesterday I got up and had my workout clothes and shoes on to do some cardio X and yoga to catch up and could not bring myself to "press Play". We went for a family walk instead which was good. Then we went to Cronies for lunch where it all went downhill. I had a Thirsty Chicken Sandwich, fries, armadillo eggs and a schooner!!! Then we went to the movies so that was popcorn and a cherry coke. For dinner Scott made yummy juicy lucy's (cheeseburgers) and I had two glasses of wine OH and we had our usual Sunday Mimosas too. Great weekend, bad eating!
This week is going to be a challenge as far as working out goes. Colby starts swim lessons today so I won't be getting home until 6:30. AND I need to start cleaning for the baby shower this weekend. SO much to do!! Totally worth it and I'm going to try my best to do a video every night.
Oh, and last week my computer at work was not liking our blog. I would be on the website and it would keep opening up a bunch of windows and I would have to manually shut down my computer. Hope we don't have a virus or something. They did do some updates on our PCs this weekend so maybe that will help. SO far so good though. :)
Hope you are all having a great monday!


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