Friday fun day... but staying on track

Friday, July 16, 2010

TGIF ladies!!!

So excited it is FRIDAY and this week was a very sucessful week!

So Yesterdays food:

Lunch - homemade salad w/ a little bit of ranch and Carne Asada added from Snapper Jacks.
Sanck - Luna bar - blueberry something... very good highly recommend
Dinner - Turkey club w/ salad w/ ranch and WATER - Thanks to Food NATZI Laura!!! =)

No work out since we had our pow wow at Garmans but that will be my break day. =)

Friday so far hasn't been bad,

Breakfast - Coffee w/ creamer, NONFAT yogurt w/ low fat granola.
Snack - 1/2 cup of omega 3 mix - choc covered soy beans, dried crans, walnuts
Lunch - I am thinking SMFCO pick up but nothing bad... maybe a tostada or ahi salad
Dinner - going to splurge and have pasta at CPK and a glass of wine prob. date with my bff

Tomorrows agenda:
Run on the beach in SB early AM at least 3 miles!!! Then heading to the spa for a massage with sisters, there we will lay by the pool and only eat good things from what we are packing from traders!!!
Dinner will be at one of my favorite places FRESCO and I may just have the most AWESOME Chick. ceaser salad! =)

Sunday - I plan to run in SB again... then head home and clean house. =) so no slackin at all!!!

Thank you Laura, for being a food natzi and not letting us go CRAZY last night. =) good good work! I will do my best to update over the weekend... don't have it on my phone yet, but will log on. All this talk of VEGAS is making me very excited!!! Stay strong this weekend ladies!


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