Staying Strong

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yesterday, eating was really good:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with beans
Snack: 110 cal yogurt w/half a banana
Lunch: Salad w/ light balsamic dressing
Snack: 90 cal instant soup
Dinner: Baked chicken breast (that was about as dry as a freakin' paper plate) & home made veggie soup

Didn't work out last night :( Made dinner, got our stuff ready for today, did the baby's bath then my shower.... She had a rough night on Sunday night and she stayed up until about 9:30 last night so by the time she was out, I had dozed off too and I was completely exhausted. I have my stuff for my lunch workout today though! And I am still sore from my Sunday workout so that is nice... I like the soreness, I know it means the workouts are effective right?!

The scale this morning was the same as yesterday but that is OK. (I have been annoyingly weighing myself every day but personally, I think it pushes me to be more conscious.) Like Ang, for me it is not as much about the weight (even though I want to lose some), it is more about my appearance and that means inches baby! Even though fat doesn't necessarily weigh a lot, it definiately takes up space!

WOW for me too- but I will be at the sattelite location! LOL!!


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