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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Morning ladies!!! Ok I know I have been away from the blog for a minute but that doesn't mean I have been away from my goal. Now... where did I leave off last...

Ok we lets go back to Memorial weekend... YIKES GREAT times... bad eating tho. Started out the weekend great on Sat. morning I did the Cardio X work out before heading up to the Marquez residence for some fun in the sun. Now once we got there....Had quite a few brewskies, a lot of chips and bad but yummy dip, and then dived into some pizza in the end. I have to admit the next day I felt soooo guilty. So the next day i took the kids to the movies I resisted all the bad stuff and just let the kids eat it all!!!=) Lets just chalk this weekend up to a bust. =(

So moving forward I knew that this upcoming week was my last week of Phase 2 in P90X... Soooo that being said, I got re-focused and got to work. Tuesday evening did a very intense Core Synergistics WOW with this being a very intense hard core work out... I didn't think I could sweat more then I do when I do Plyo or running but wow the sweat was rolling down my face! Then Wed. ended the day with an hour and 33 mins of YOGA X. Another amazing work out... LADIES we are doing these. They work!!!! Thursday no workout -went and supported my BFF and her Pampered Chef show, a lot of fun, good food, and I ate a lot but it wasn't really bad food. The artichoke dip... well not to good for me but still, had veggies, a lot of fruit and some crackers & cheese. Friday... well had a date with my girls!!! so absolutly no work outs =) Just dolled up! Had 3 vodka collins - thanks Laura... then popcorn, so I would have to say it wasn't a bad day or night.

NOW for today... started off my day right. got out of bed at 8:20 and put my running shoes on. Went for a 3.41 mile run.... took my time being I haven't ran in like 2 weeks I knew it was goingto kick my butt. Took 36 minutes so not to bad. Came home and made a recover drink, 5 egg whites and 1 yoke, added some sandwich turkey and a little bit of low fat shredded cheese. 5 big starwberries. And feel really really good for starting out the day right.

LADIES we only have about 2 months left. We can do this. We can meet our goals we can. LEESE... I have to say thank you for advising me to get the ahi not the fried food last night.... LAURA you are tooo funny with your Lisa wants to go... but you stuck to your guns and we didn't dive into the LATE NIGHT food! Patting everyone on the back. Ok ladies have a great weekend, hopefully see everyone again this weekend. If not back to reporting on Monday! MUAH


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