Hello again!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hey guys I thought everyone forgot about r blogging since my last post over 1 month ago I checked it a few times & no one was around :( but I am glad to see Lisa & ang have been troopers :) well my excuse is 3 kids a husband who works alot or is on a fishing/hunting trip & a mom fighting her cancer battle!!! It is so hard to watch her go through this treatment & still have to move on with my life & keep my family a float!!! So sorry to harp about this but I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to about it & we have been so supportive with eachother in our journey of a healthy lifestyle that I felt I could count on u guys to just listen to my problems!!! Thx :)
so on to the health life style of Jenny...I still am doing stroller strides mon & Wednesday mornings & on the days I can't make it or don't have ss I try to do some crunches!!!
As for eating I have been trying to eat more proteins & less carbs...not no carbs I would die if I had to cut them out!!! Those dream dinner have been a great help!
So my issue with myself is that darn muffin top!!!! I used to be a size 4-6 after babies but then a third child came along & made me go into a size 8 what the heck!!!! Oh & let's not forget the lovely rubbing of the thighs when wearng a dress /:( so not a fan!!! So I have come to the conclusion of no goals for me till Brooklyn is more independent!!! Otherwise I just make goals & forget about them or give up on them because somebody needs their mommy wife or daughter!
So stroller strides consists of:
warm up
arm with band
& striching
this all takes a good hour plus we are out doors so I feel good about this workout!!! Oh & tuesdays I go to tap & that's a good 45 min workout!

Bfast for today: special k cereal banana & milk :)
lunch: don't know yet but I might do a big salad from home!


Ang said...

JEN... 1st, of course you can count on us to vent to at anytime. I wish we could help more with your moms battle... anything you or she needs you know we are here... If it means watching the kids for an hr, call I will be there in a heart beat! Lord knows Aliyah would love that. It was so nice to see you yesterday for a quick sec at JJ... Do what you can, and eat as healthy as possible, that is a great first step in the right direction. LOVE YA

ReeseS said...

Yes Jen, feel free to call or come over anytime for whatever reason. I love you lots and would do anything for you. Stay strong! You are an amazing person and Mother!

LeeseD said...

Jen this blog isn't just about healthy eating it's about a healthy life. And you need to be able to vent your problems, feelings, frustrations or whatever to us. We're your friends/family and will always be here for you. Even if we don't all see each other a lot we're always there for each other. Lord knows I've used you gals in my times of need. =)
Stay strong and if you ever need anything, know all you have to do is ask! Love ya!

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