Plus 2 but worth it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So I was MIA all last week but I can say I was good about eating and very good about working out. I exercised every day last week. Scott and I even got up early on Saturday morning before leaving to Bakersfield to work out! The weekend of course was bad. Cocktails + yummy food + lounging = 2 pounds gained but it's ok. It was worth it and I had a great time. On our way home yesterday morning we stopped at Sonic (a tradition when we leave BF in the morning) and I had a cheeseburger! Yes, a cheeseburger in the morning!!! Not a good way to start the day and it got continuously worse. I had a piece of pizza at my parent's, popcorn and soda at the movies and then a chicken fajita pita for dinner (which was not bad but still) and then to top off the night I had a bowl of sherbet! Who knows, maybe my 2 pounds came from yesterday alone! hahah. I didn't work out either BUT I plan to the rest of the week and the weekend too! It's going to be rough but once I get in the groove again, I will be fine. I need to go to the store too so I have no idea what my meals will be like the rest of the week. Hope you all have a good week too!!!


RhondaM said...

I feel ya!!!! Don't feel bad, we have to indulge in order to get a break and make all the sacrifices worth it!

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