Just a quick update....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hey girls!

Just wanted to give you a quick update on yesterday for me.

Dinner - shredded chicken sandwich on a whole wheat bun with baked Lays.

Dessert - Sugar-free lemon cake ice cream.

I was able to get out of work in time to make it to the gym which I was very thankful for. I went with my mom and grandma and when we walked in Nicole (my sis-in-laws sis who works there) told us that we were all on the list of Top Ten losers for June! Not only that but I was #4...above both of my mom and grandma! WooHoo to me! That really inspired me to want to work harder.

Unfortunately I had a really bad nights sleep. I woke up coughing hard. Choking on who knows what. My throat felt like it was on fire and when I tried to take a breath in I couldn't. I sounded hoarse and could only get a couple shallow breaths in. Before I started panicking my mom heard me and came in and asked what was going on. When I told her she said she thought it might be acid reflux. Either that or some form of sleep apnea. It really freaked me out though. I know that weight can contribute to both of those things and it scared me thinking that because of my past gluttony (for lack of a better word) I could have died in my sleep. LOL...ok that's dramatic but you know what I mean. Needless to say after that I had a hard time sleeping. But lying there I started think and put things into perspective. While it's great to let myself indulge from time to time, we all know I have a lot further to go than the rest of you. I really need to work hard to get the results I want and I can't allow myself to slack off until I'm closer to my goal.

Ha...bet you all didn't expect to get such a story from me huh?

Anyway...I'll be posting my meals from today later. Until then...have a great day ladies!


ReeseS said...

Yikes! Scary leese!! I had a similar incident when I was pregnant. Scott was working so it was just Maui and I and I woke up and couldn't breath or catch my breath. It was so awful! Glad you are ok and you are doing sooo great! I'm proud of you!!

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