Week's End!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hellloooooo ladies!

This has been one of my most successful weeks yet! It is probably guilt induced from the holiday weekend, but that does not matter!!!!!! Motivation is motivation!

I started off with a walk on Monday night and have worked out (and eaten right!) every day so far this week! I did 3 stair workouts on my lunch this week and yesterday I knocked out 30 minutes of Plyometrics (P90X) while Ariana was napping. Whhhheeeww! I am hoping to do the remaning part of it tonight so we'll see. I am hoping to squeeze in a quick lunch workout today too.
I am happy to report I am down 3 lbs from the beginning of the week! BUT, this is where I always get stuck.... TMI but I weighed 136.4 this morning and have NOT been able to break 136... I am really hoping that this is the week! Like Reese mentioned, it is about portion control and that is something I have to focus extra hard on. For me, it is also about watching the carbs and trying to take advantage of ANY extra time I get, even if it's just 20-30 minutes so I can get some activity in. I have been getting in the habit of doing 50 bicycle sit-ups each morning before I start my day and I want to also incorporate 50 in the evening before going to bed so I will do that tonight if I remember!!!

Food so far today:


Baby Yogurt :)

Snack will be cantaloupe and strawberries!

I am thinking sushi for lunch. Or a salad :)

Dinner- is too far away so I don't know yet!!!!!!!

Keep moving ladies, Vegas here we come!!!



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