It feels good....I FINALLY have reached the point (again, it has been years!) where I feel like I have reprogrammed my mind to immediately think about what I am eating before I eat it and ask the following questions... Am I really hungry? Am I eating just because I am bored, or just because it's there in front of me? Is this one of the better options of meals/snacks for me to choose?
And if I do decide to go for something that probably is not the best selection like fries, chips/dip, I now tell myself how many is acceptable instead of just consuming them without any sense of consciousness like I would have done before. I know that on weekends, social events, holidays etc., this is not always going to be my criteria, but I figure I am doing a great job if I use this thought process for the MAJORITY of my choices! Of course this is not realistic for every day for the rest of my life, because let's face it, we need to ENJOY life!!! Just maintain a proper balance. Ok, enough of this stuff, down to busines....
Exercise yesterday:
10 minutes of stairs in the afternoon @ work
Chasing toddler child at gym class :)
40 minutes of plyometrics plus 30 push ups!
So far today:
lowfat cottage cheese (protein GOLD!) along with fresh strawberries and blueberries.
Snacks will be: 100 calorie granola bar and 110 cal baby yogurt.
lunch will be: grilled steak on baby greens, 1/2 avocado, tomatos and red onion tossed with balsamic vinegar and a splash of olive oil!
Dinner will be lowfat turkey chili and salad.
Thank you for the motivation girls!!!
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