Monday, July 26, 2010

Well, probably not on the diet/exercise front, but great in every other way :) I topped off my weekend that was filled with great food and drinks by getting in about 20-30 minute walk last night. It felt good and I had also planned to try and get in a little plyo or at least situps and squats or something but the little boss was up until 10:30! She had a long nap on the drive home yesterday evening so her little battery was fully charged and I had no extra time after she finally knocked out. Tonight should be different though, and I should be able to get in a workout of some sort for sure.

I am going to do my best at planning my menus for the next couple weeks ahead of time so it is a bit easier to stay on track on the diet front during the week. The weekends are rough to stay focused but I plan to making my absolute best effort Mon- Thurs along with exercising when I can :) I know I am not going to lose 10 lbs before we go, or even 5 for that matter but I am not going to slack off or give up either. I hope you are all on board with me!!! We are so close to our trip I can already feel the hot sun and taste those ice cold drinks!!



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