And the fun continues =(

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ok so last night I ended up going to visit Gaga at the beach house and didn't do a darn thing as far as exercising goes. I ate good though. We had the Cajun Chicken pasta like I said we were going to and then I hit the hay a little earlier than normal for me.

This morning I woke up at 5:45 determined to hit the gym because I knew I would once again be busy after work today and wouldn't make it there before they closed. I was just finishing up my first circuit when BAM...I was slammed with another migraine. Normally they come on gradually but this sucker decided to take me by surprise and almost knocked me over. I struggled to get through my 2nd circuit taking everything I had in me not to barf all over the place. It was slow going but I managed to finish my workout and make it home just in time to puke up the emptiness that was in my stomach. Needless to say...I did NOT eat anything for breakfast. I came into work at 1:30 and so far am doing ok but am fearful that another migraine is just around the corner. =(

Breakfast - LARGE black coffee & a Vicodin

Lunch - Leftover pasta from last night & water

Snack - 4 Advil

I'm starting to sound like a druggie! No clue what's on the menu for dinner tonight and to be honest...with the way I'm feeling I'd be happy having water only. Hopefully this is the end of the migraines although they have been known to last a total of 72 hours! Oh the horror!

However, on a positive least I got a work out in today! LOL

4 weeks to go as of tomorrow girls! We're on a roll and let's keep it going!


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