A New Year, A New Start

Monday, January 3, 2011

Good Morning Ladies!

Ok so I'm back. As I'm sure we're all feeling...it's time for us to get our butts in gear and back to living healthy lives.

After a fairly rocky start to my new year I'm ready to get busy.

My mom and I both talked and said that we need to start working harder. We all tend to let ourselves go a little around the holidays which is normal but the holidays are over and a new year has started. So on that note we sat down, planned some meals and went grocery shopping. I'm determined to stick with it and to not fall off the wagon. After seeing my mom's results this past year (over 70 lbs lost!) I am SOOO motivated to try her way of eating for life.

Unfortunately I canceled my gym membership in Nov. I wasn't going often enough to justify the cost and I hate to just throw my money away. So I'm going to need to figure out an exercise program or something so I can get some work outs in. I still have Reese's Slim in 6 DVD so I'm going to try that out for a couple weeks and then reevaluate.

So on the menu for today:

Breakfast - Whole wheat bagel w/ light cream cheese and a cup of black coffee
Snack - Wheat fig newtons
Lunch - Turkey sandwich on wheat w/ fat free cheese & baked chips
Snack - more wheat fig newtons
Dinner - Not sure as usual but I'll post that either later tonight or tomorrow morning.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get in a work out tonight because my cough/cold is making my head pound and I'd much rather get some sleep. Plus I'm still very sad and just feel like going home and crying. BUT I know that exercise creates endorphins so I'm going to try to at least get a few lunges and sit ups in so I don't feel like I wasted a day.

Here's to a new year and a new start!


RhondaM said...

You can do it! You have the right attitude, your mom and all of us to help support you (and vice-versa) along the way!

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