Ahhhh! OK here I am :) I have been CRAZY CRAZY busy at work lately so I have not been blogging but I have been thinking about it!!!
I have to confess, I am also in a little rut but am really really trying to dig deep for motivation! I haven't been eating too bad during the week because I usually bring my lunch but my weekend choices usually fluctuate from my good habits at least once or twice or three times and usually involve alcohol :) My weight only changes about 2-3 lbs but I have not been exercising AT ALL. I have attempted some walks in the evenings over the last month or so but Miss Ariana no longer wants to be in her stroller or her nifty little car, she wants to walk too!! So needless to say, my pace is not quite at the level that would be necessary for weight loss/calorie burning!!! I really need to be taking advantage of my lunch hour when I don't see Ariana and I can do the stairs like I was... but I find myself squeezing in errands since it's hard to do those things after work with a toddler. Being a working mom leaves little extra time but I need to be tough on myself if I want to be fit and healthy. Having a little person and working is still no excuse.
With all of this said, I need to still make an effort whenever I can, and come up with a new approach if what I was using before isnt working for me now. I am still below 140 which is my absolute threshold so I am happy about that. I am still 10 lbs lighter than I was last year at this time so I need to hold steady!!
Ariana loves being in the garage with the dogs so I was thinking in the evenings, now that it is a little cooler, we can hang out in the garage and I can do a little workout in ther, even if it's just 15-20 minutes. Jumping jacks, weights, standing cruches, lunges and squats. We have a stereo and weight set in there and the dogs and toddler can hopefully entertain themselves in there for a bit while I get back on track!
I have begaun obsessing over my crockpot lately so cooking at home is still a healthy option for me using my crockpot. Soups, stews, casseroles etc. I am going to try and focus on proteins and veggies as much as possible.
I hope you are all having a wonderful week and get back here soon!!!
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YAYA RHONDA!!! YOUR BACK!!!! Loved reading what you wrote... I can relate in sooo many ways. I told you I don't know how you do it being a single momma during the week. It is tough. Laura and I have been experiencing that a lot lately with the guys being gone... But like you said we need to find motivation. Love it that my girls are shooting for the same goals I am.
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