4:30 Wake Up Call

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yup, I did it. I managed to get up at 4:30 to work out and it still wasn't enough time. I set my alarm for 4 and should have got up then cause I didn't get to finish the last 10 minutes of my Shoulders and Arms work out. Oh well, every little bit helps right? I just can't believe I got up that early. Tomorrow I'm going to get up at 4:15 for Yoga. I'm starting to feel a little bit tired, I've had my coffee but I think the caffeine is wearing off. I might need an afternoon mocha (fat free of course).

Tuesday Meals:

Breakfast :
2 coffees with creamer
Eggs with peppers, cheese and cottage cheese
Snack: cheez-its (need to stop buying these. Even though they are reduced fat, I could be eating something better)
Lunch: Salad with chicken, walnuts and cranberries
Snack: Carrots and snap peas with hummus, yogurt, grapes
Dinner: One of Colby's chicken nuggets, 2 small pieces of pork tenderloin, rice pilaf, veggies with light cheese sauce, hawaiian roll
Snack: pumpkin bread (Made some for a potluck for work today and I'm pretty sure it was a low fat recipe. It tastes like it is. hahah ).
Tuesday Exercise: Cardio X! My fav!!!!
Today, as I mentioned, we are having a potluck which is bad news. I did not eat any of the tamales or bagels or cookies that were available this morning but I did have a spoonful of artichoke dip and some chips, fruit, a spoon full of fried rice and a piece of my healthy pumpkin bread. Not doing very good this morning but I could be worse right?


Ang said...

Stick to it Terese... Just a thought... maybe when all that yummy food is infront of you try and think of your Work out at 4:30 AM and how good it felt to get that work out in, and how much easier your work outs will be w/o those little muchies here and there... Save those for say... BUNCO night or LADY A... less work.
GREAT JOB on the 4:30 work out!!! WOO HOOO soooo on the same page...just wait til you read my post! =)

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