Weekend Report

Monday, May 17, 2010

If you read Lisa's blog post, you pretty much have an idea about what my weekend was like! MAJOR success on one level- LOTS of fun, but not a huge success on the diet level. BUT, what I can say is that I was honestly good for 6 days out of the week, one day is nothing to beat myself up over. Had a healthy dinner on Friday night, had a healthy breakfast on Saturday morning but could have definitely done better on Saturday afternoon and evening. Yesterday and last night were good though. AND, I forced myself to work out last night. I got in about a 30 minute workout... hit the weights in the home (garage) gym while my bulldogs looked at me like I was crazy- did some legs, arms, situps and then what has become my workout staple, lunges and squats. It took EVERYTHING in me to get going since Ariana and Israel were nice and cozy in bed by 9:00 pm and let's face it, I was tired and would have much rather gone to bed... but I told myself I had no choice, that it wasn't an option. I got our stuff ready for today, then fit my workout in and jumped in the shower and was in bed by 10:30.

Even though I didn't feel wonderful about the majority of my Saturday consumption choices, I was proud of myself for ending off the weekend with a heart pumping workout even when I felt completely unmotivated.... it feels good to have dug down deep to trigger my motivation when I really didn't want to! I used to be "that girl" who would always have workout motivation, so I am trying to dig in and get her back out! I feel like my workout last night helped me start off my week with the right mindset so here I go :) Won't you please come along with me!


LeeseD said...

Yay! Rhon you did much better than I did. I was lazy last night. After I got home I lounged around. But the drive made me tired and while I SHOULD have gone for a walk or SOMETHING I didn't. But I'm hoping to be back on track today! =)

RhondaM said...

The drive is exhausting so don't feel bad! I know it's just sitting in a car but I am always tired afterwards!!

Ang said...

You rocked Rhon!!! Love your pulling that maniac girl out in you!!! We did Cardio X and the ab ripper on Sunday too, almost got out of it but soooo glad we did it!!! FELT so good Monday moring after I got over the tiredness. =) We are all coming along with you for sure!!!!

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