Let's do this ladies!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Even though I am quite a ways away (distance wise) from my "get skinny with us" sisters, I am really excited to stay connected with them in our common goal to get (and stay) fit this summer! I love that we all have adopted the same approach to weight loss and healthy eating as "it's a lifestyle". Our goal is to make long term changes for the better to our habits, not just for the next couple months or so. Being able to share the same approach/views with this group is going to help provide the necessary support and motivation we all need for success! We never said it was going to be easy, but we are in this together and it is going to be a great journey!

Like I mentioned above, I am too far to attend WOW, but just knowing that the girls were getting together to work out motivated me to get up and get moving after putting my 1 year old daughter to sleep last night! It was about 9:00 pm and I had actually dozed off while rocking my little one to sleep and was extremely lazy to say the least, but I thought to myself, I need to get up and fit in a work out, even if it isn't anything extremely intense. I was watching American Idol but got moving. I was only able to get in about a 20 minunte workout since I still had to get the baby's bag packed for her day along with my things ready for the following workday but managed to get in some push ups, situps, a bit of cardio along with some squats and lunges. I had eaten a healthy dinner so I marked off my night as a successful one on the track to get fit!


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