Nothing Exciting

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

There hasn't been anything too exciting recently. I did pretty well over the weekend except kind of broke down on Sunday. Mr.M got home Saturday night (exciting!) and that led to a semi bad Sunday (eating wise). We woke up and lounged around for most of the morning. Time flew by and it was luchtime (we didn't even have breakfast!). We had a couple of errands to run in Valencia so we went and had a sushi lunch. It was so good! I'm claiming lunch a success because I didn't have a LARGE Asahi like I ALWAYS do...I just had water. By the time we were hungry again, it was around 7:30pm and Mr.M wanted TACO BELL! Ugh...I said I would eat cereal but that didn't fly with him so I splurged and got two beef tacos fresco style (no cheese, added pico de gallo). I didn't some walking but no exercising :(

Monday went very well with eating. Mr.M is on board with the new "healthy eating habits me" and that is going to help greatly. For brekfast I had one egg and two egg whites on a slice of whole wheat bread. Lunch was a simple 1/2 tuna sandwich and a single serving of reduced fat wheat thins and dinner was a salad. Once again I didn't exercise AT ALL. No walking, no work out dvd, no exercise tv show, no nada! I definitely need to change that. I'm chalking it up to bad weather. Gloomy weather just puts me in a lazy mood! It better get hot and soon quick! ;)


RhondaM said...

You ate great! Don't be hard on yourself at all for not exercising! We are going to have those days, especially as the summer gets here and there are more social events going on. Taco Bell tacos aren't even bad. I read in this diet book my brother in law had that had suggestions for smart fast food choices and Taco Bell tacos were on there! You did good and didn't even know it :)

Mrs. M said...

Thanks Rhonda! I also forgot to add my Shock Top I had last night! ;)

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