Ok...so here it is Sunday night and after reading the posts from you lovely ladies I'm sad. I didn't do as good as I know I could have this weekend. OF course it could have always been worse but still.
I went up to Rhoni's this weekend for the fab Paramore concert and we got it started right. We had a game plan to get up early and go for a walk but with my lazy arse sleeping in til it was too hot to go, we ended up having to scrap that idea. For breakfast we had some bagel thins and fruit with a cup of black coffee (how I like it). Lunch wasn't the worst. I got a chicken wrap but the onion rings didn't help (although they only gave like 5 so how bad could it have been?)...neither did the bloody mary...lol. On a side note...the bloody marys were fab and only $3!
Anyway we did do some shopping and I suppose that was our exercise for the day (and believe me, between walking the mall and trying on clothes I sweat more than I did with the P90X! LOL)
We didn't have time for dinner but did manage to throw back a quick vodka cran before the concert and then 3 vodka tonics AT the concert. LOL. This is just terrible! We were so counting on the hot dog vendors so that we could SHARE a hot dog after the concert but they were no where to be seen. So with hours since our last meal and a good amount of alcohol in us...we ended up with some late night chicken nugget happy meals (well Rhonda's was a nugget happy meal...mine mysteriously only had 3 nuggets with a surprise 3 chicken STRIPS...I'm convinced the workers were high when they put our meals together).
This morning I just had a cup of black coffee and then lost track of time. I didn't end up eating until almost 5pm this evening. I was not in the mood to wait for food so I grabbed TB. UGH!
So obviously this weekend did not go as well as it could have and therefore I'm calling this weekend a wash....BUT...I'm motivated to start again tomorrow.
I can't beat myself up for my choices but I CAN learn from them and move on. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to start it off right by going to the gym before work! I have to and WILL get back on track. Plus my weigh in day at the gym is only a week away and I refuse to accept a gain! Yikes!
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You have the right attitude and I think that this blog is really going to help us identify our downfalls and help work through them so don't get discouraged!
I am STILL laughing about the McD's! From the driver order us extra food, to the random dudes laying in the truck bed to the chicken nuggets/chicken strip order!!!!! And what the heck does the toy say? Something over my crumbly body?!! LMAO!!
It's all about moving forward Leese, and you put it all out there like Rhon said!!! GREAT job identifying... WE aren't going to let anyone not do this!!! Keep the great work up this week!
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