
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ok, I didn't write down my food consumption this last weekend but I wasn't very good. Friday night I had a bean and cheese burrito, Saturday I was fairly good and Sunday... well, you were there. Not good at all BUT it was my cheat day so I knew I wasn't going to be good. Lots of yummy food and those neverending chips from SMFCO. AND the DELICIOUS chocolate cake my BFF made for me. No way was I turning it down and boy was it worth it. So yesterday I started off good.
coffee, banana, oatmeal bar
chicken salad
leftover tri tip with wheat pasta, tomatoes and spinach.
Snack: lots of chips and salsa
Desert: Leftover cake
Unfortunately I haven't worked out since last week. The little one had a fever Thursday, Friday and Saturday so I didn't get much time to myself especially since the hubby was not really there to help out AND we got hardly any sleep. Yesterday the baby was super clingy but we did go out for a little walk but that was all the exercise I had. It's so frustrating not to be able to work out when you want to. Just like we chatted about on facebook yesterday, there just aren't enough hours in the day. My free time isn't until 8pm and there is always something else that needs to be done. Today I haven't been good eating either.
I haven't given up but I've come to realize that in this point in time, making time to work out is not always going to happen. Maybe when the baby is a little older and I don't have to constantly watch him like a hawk, I'll be able to squeeze in more exercise but for now, it's rough. I know you girls can relate and it makes me feel better. However, there is no excuse for my bad eating. I haven't weighed myself or checked my measurements but I need to soon. Anyway, I'm so proud of you girls and your accomplishments thus far. I hope soon I will have some good results to make you girls proud!


RhondaM said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! It is such a challenge to just get the minimum done as a working mom, let alone have enough time for planning and organizing healthy meals and snacks for each day ON TOP of trying to get in exercise!
Glad you liked your cake btw :) That one day that I had some cake for dinner last week was when I started baking!

LeeseD said...

Definitely do not get discouraged Reese! You're doing good and just being more aware is a little helpful. I know I could be doing much better but it's hard and just being aware of your choices can help. Things could always be worse! When you have the time you'll do it so don't get down! =)

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