I'm back! It's been awhile since I've blogged and to be honest, I've just been in a slump lately. I was excited when I first joined WW but the last few weeks I've just been blah. I don't want to go into all my excuses but I feel like I'm ready to really commit.
I was off work last Friday which is when I usually go weigh in at WW. It was a hectic weekend filled with food temptation galore. We ate lunch at Red Robin on Friday and I had a BLT on a Crossaint! It was delish and ate the whole thing, WITH FRIES. Friday night I was cooking all night long and of course picking at and that which I'm sure was lots of calories. And of course all the wine that L and I took down (don't regret wine though). Saturday I had lots of yummy stuff to eat at the party and Sunday we went on our date. Had a flank steak with YUMMY mashed potatoes and of course wine for dinner. Monday was bad too! I had Del Taco for lunch and I can't remember what for dinner. Tues - Thursday I was determined to eat well and stick to the program. As you can tell, I had been really bad over the long weekend and I had no idea what damage I had done the week before so you can imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale and found that I had lost 1.6 pounds which is a grand total of 5 lbs that I have lost since being on WW! I got a cute little sticker for my accomplishment! I'm now at 130.6 and am really going to try my hardest to lose at least a pound for next week. I would really like to be in the 120s again! I think I needed this loss to motiviate me to get on the ball. This weekend my goal is to work out at least once and next week at least 3 times! No excuses!!
For dinner tonight we are having turkey burgers so that won't be so bad. Tomorrow night will be our splurge night. I'm going to make meatloaf and blue cheese mashed potatoes but I figure if I eat ok for breakfast and lunch AND work out, it won't be so bad. The days, weeks and months are going by so fast and summer is just around the corner. My body is nowhere near ready for shorts, tank tops, or bikinis so I really need to start working hard.
We can do this! And I promise to blog more often. Whether or not I'm losing weight!
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