Vegas Aftermath

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey my lovelies!

Ugh! I'm so sad that our Vegas trip is over! We looked forward to it for so long and now it's gone! So sad!

Well as promised I am going to keep up with this blog even though we don't have Vegas to look forward to. So here goes:

This weekend was a blast for sure. So much fun! There was a lot of drinking and yummy food but thankfully (or not depending on how you look at it) I got a little TOO drunk the first night there and threw up the small amount of food I managed to consume that day (which was only an egg mcmuffin w/ no egg & half a turkey avocado wrap...the rest was alcohol). That led to a slight hangover the next day with not a whole lot of food consumed either. Half a cheeseburger at lunch and about 2/3 of my meat and a couple spoonfuls of mashed potatoes for dinner. Oh and I did have about 2 bites of Jo's dessert & some of that avocado salad thingy. Other than was alcohol again! Sat I managed to eat a little more but not by much and by Sunday & Monday I was pretty much back to normal (not even going to bother listing the food but only 1 shot of tequila on Sat & 3 BLL's on Mon.)
Anyway, when I got on the scale last night (right after dinner) I was happy to see that I went down about .75 lbs. I'm doing my official weigh in on Friday so we'll see how it goes but I was pleased with what I saw last night so I'm not too worried.

Anyway, today my meals haven't been so healthy but I'm chalking that up to my body still recovering from this weekend...that and I was too lazy today to care about my food choices.
Breakfast - chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread (was supposed to be my lunch but I was starving and didn't have my usual bowl of cereal).
Lunch - 1 taco and a chicken burrito from TB.
Dinner - no clue at this point but I AM going to the gym after work.

Tomorrow I'm planning on getting back on track! I need as much motivation as I can get from my girls so I hope to see you on here from time to time! =)

Love you all and thanks for one of the best Vegas trips ever! XOXOXOXO


RhondaM said...

OMG you didn't gain any weight!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! I WISH I could say the same!! Good job and stay on track. I am going to try and do the same :)

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