Hey my lovelies!
Ugh! I'm so sad that our Vegas trip is over! We looked forward to it for so long and now it's gone! So sad!
Well as promised I am going to keep up with this blog even though we don't have Vegas to look forward to. So here goes:
This weekend was a blast for sure. So much fun! There was a lot of drinking and yummy food but thankfully (or not depending on how you look at it) I got a little TOO drunk the first night there and threw up the small amount of food I managed to consume that day (which was only an egg mcmuffin w/ no egg & half a turkey avocado wrap...the rest was alcohol). That led to a slight hangover the next day with not a whole lot of food consumed either. Half a cheeseburger at lunch and about 2/3 of my meat and a couple spoonfuls of mashed potatoes for dinner. Oh and I did have about 2 bites of Jo's dessert & some of that avocado salad thingy. Other than that...it was alcohol again! Sat I managed to eat a little more but not by much and by Sunday & Monday I was pretty much back to normal (not even going to bother listing the food but only 1 shot of tequila on Sat & 3 BLL's on Mon.)
Anyway, when I got on the scale last night (right after dinner) I was happy to see that I went down about .75 lbs. I'm doing my official weigh in on Friday so we'll see how it goes but I was pleased with what I saw last night so I'm not too worried.
Anyway, today my meals haven't been so healthy but I'm chalking that up to my body still recovering from this weekend...that and I was too lazy today to care about my food choices.
Breakfast - chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread (was supposed to be my lunch but I was starving and didn't have my usual bowl of cereal).
Lunch - 1 taco and a chicken burrito from TB.
Dinner - no clue at this point but I AM going to the gym after work.
Tomorrow I'm planning on getting back on track! I need as much motivation as I can get from my girls so I hope to see you on here from time to time! =)
Love you all and thanks for one of the best Vegas trips ever! XOXOXOXO
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OMG you didn't gain any weight!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! I WISH I could say the same!! Good job and stay on track. I am going to try and do the same :)
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