Swimming to success...lol

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ahhh....I'm back to my old self!

After a weekend with a few emotional highs and some very low lows I finally feel like my old self today. I moved into my own office today and I'm back in the swing of things with this diet. The weekend went pretty well but I honestly can't remember everything I ate to list it.

Here are my meals for today though:

Breakfast - Small bowl of Cheerios and a med black coffee

Snack - Fiber One Bar

Lunch - Leftover whole wheat penne pasta w/ grilled chicken, bell peppers & Cajun spices and a large glass of water

Snack - Fiber One Bar (I needed something to eat before my swim and couldn't find anything else...lol)

Dinner - haven't eaten yet but it looks like I'm having enchiladas. While it's not the healthiest meal, the meat is lean and it's corn tortillas with low-fat cheese. I'm a little disappointed it's not something healthier but I didn't have to cook it which is a blessing because I'm soo soo tired.

For my workout today I swam laps at my dad's pool. I didn't realize how much I missed swimming until I started my laps. It's how I kept in shape in HS and it felt great to get back into it. I swam 40 laps total - 20 freestyle & 20 breast stroke.

Looking forward to see if I meet my goal of 2 lbs per week!


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